Journal Editing Services

Thesisconcepts do support Microsoft Word documents (preferred) , as rich text format (RTF) or LaTeX format files. Thesisconcepts service concentrates on improving written content from various engineering stream, as Electrical & Electronics,Electronics & communication,computer engineering, so that research results stand out. Editors focus on correcting spelling, grammar, usage and punctuation errors. They will change improper language and rephrase sentences that sound awkward or unnatural. Editors use their scientific training to point out language in your document that is vague or confusing and will work on style to make the article sound more professional.

Editors will not edit for research content or formatting and will not translate text from another language.

After approval from a managing editor, our senior editor’s quality check the editing process and strive to ensure that the standards of excellence synonymous with Nature Publishing Group are maintained.

Editing follows on several levels:

 Content & Grammar check:

Whether you’re writing a short response paper or a PhD dissertation, a journal article or a cover letter, using correct grammar is of utmost importance. Sibia Proofreading provides top quality professional editing and proofreading services to ensure that your documents conform to all grammar rules. To help you as you write your document, we offer the following useful tips to weed out common errors.

Overall structure

Does your paper have an appropriate introduction and conclusion? Is your thesis clearly stated in your introduction? Is it clear how each paragraph in the body of your paper is related to your thesis? Are the paragraphs arranged in a logical sequence? Have you made clear transitions between paragraphs? One way to check the structure of your paper is to make a reverse outline of the paper after you have written the first draft.


Have you defined any important terms that might be unclear to your reader? Is the meaning of each sentence clear? (One way to answer this question is to read your paper one sentence at a time, starting at the end and working backwards so that you will not unconsciously fill in content from previous sentences.) Is it clear what each pronoun (he, she, it, they, which, who, this, etc.) refers to? Have you chosen the proper words to express your ideas? Avoid using words you find in the thesaurus that aren’t part of your normal vocabulary; you may misuse them.

Citations and writing Style

Referencing or citing your sources is an important part of academic writing. It lets you acknowledge the ideas or words of others if you use them in your work and helps avoid plagiarism.

Referencing also demonstrates that you’ve read relevant background literature and you can provide authority for statements you make in your assignments.

The Harvard citation style can vary in minor features such as punctuation, capitalisation, abbreviations, and the use of italics.

IEEE Citation Reference IEEE Publications uses Webster’s College Dictionary, 4th Edition. For guidance on grammar and usage not included in this manual, please consult The Chicago Manual of Style, published by the University of Chicago Press.


Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process, focusing on surface errors such as misspellings and mistakes in grammar and punctuation. You should proofread only after you have finished all of your other editing revisions.

Why proofread? It’s the content that really matters, right?

Content is important. But like it or not, the way a paper looks affects the way others judge it. When you’ve worked hard to develop and present your ideas, you don’t want careless errors distracting your reader from what you have to say. It’s worth paying attention to the details that help you to make a good impression.

Most people devote only a few minutes to proofreading, hoping to catch any glaring errors that jump out from the page. But a quick and cursory reading, especially after you’ve been working long and hard on a paper, usually misses a lot. It’s better to work with a definite plan that helps you to search systematically for specific kinds of errors.

Sure, this takes a little extra time, but it pays off in the end. If you know that you have an effective way to catch errors when the paper is almost finished, you can worry less about editing while you are writing your first drafts. This makes the entire writing proccess more efficient.

Try to keep the editing and proofreading processes separate. When you are editing an early draft, you don’t want to be bothered with thinking about punctuation, grammar, and spelling. If your worrying about the spelling of a word or the placement of a comma, you’re not focusing on the more important task of developing and connecting ideas.